ENotes - Handwriting on notebook

4.6 ( 1446 ratings )
Verktyg Produktivitet
Utvecklare: Yuto Ariga
1.99 USD

Handwriting and paging like a e-book viewer.

A ENotes was designed for combining these two different kinds of functions. (Paging and Handwriting)

For a system to distinguish handwriting and scrolling, generally using two fingers scrolling method.
But different from this method, ENotes has a unique handwriting method which extended a pointer function used in presentation applications.
To manage all human gestures by a single finger including handwriting, let it detecting a time difference of touch.
(Time Difference Detection)

The concept of the application is a "Pocket Notebook". Manage a Daily or Weekly schedule by handwriting.
Also enjoy a sense of paging like a real notebook.

ENotes has some kinds of notes, not only schedule book but also note style, vertical-writing, plain sheet templates.
The number of notebooks and pages is infinite(but limited by a storage size).
There are 120 colors, supports for vertical writing and pen size adjustment.
Enough to enjoy graffiti on the note.

Also be able to export as a PDF and send by e-mail for sharing.